What is the Romans Project?


Our mission is to equip pastors to abide in and feed their congregations from God's word.

Many of the world's evangelical church leaders do not have access to solid theological resources. Seminaries are hundreds of miles away and travel is expensive and sometimes dangerous. Computers and internet access are luxuries many cannot afford.

The global church is expanding quickly, with new congregations springing up every day. Traditional methods for equipping church leaders are not able to keep up with this growth rate. There is a real hunger for good, solid Bible teaching. Unfortunately, a staggering 18.7 million evangelical churches in the world today are being led by pastors with no theological training.

How can these church leaders get the solid Biblical training they need to teach their congregations about the life-transforming, foundational truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Romans is a great place to start!

We challenge pastors to immerse themselves in God's Word by committing to read the book of Romans twenty times. Pastors are then challenged to write out their own copy of the book of Romans.

When a pastor completes the challenge, they are given a digital device (USB Player or SD Card) that contains Pastor Scott Gilchrist's sermon series through Romans in over one hundred messages!  These small devices also contain sixteen expository sermons preached in English and translated into eleven languages. Furthermore, there are over 800 messages from John, 1 & 2 Timothy, Genesis, Exodus, Proverbs, Luke, Acts, Ephesians, Hebrews, 1 & 2 Peter, Revelation and messages on God's attributes and the Holy Spirit.