What is the Romans Challenge?


The pastors immerse themselves in God’s Word as they read the book of Romans 20 times.


The writing out of the book of Romans is a valuable practice of abiding in God’s word.


After reading and writing the book of Romans, the pastors receive a device (Flash Drive player or SD card) filled with sermons on Romans and expository preaching from hundreds of other passages.


Now well-grounded in the teachings of Romans, the pastor is encouraged to proclaim the book to their congregation from beginning to end over the course of their own series of Romans sermons.


Once they complete this method with the book of Romans, we encourage pastors to repeat this method of reading, writing, listening, and proclaiming with other books in Scripture.

Think of the exponential impact on thousands of congregations whose leaders have immersed themselves so deeply into God's Word!

The Romans Project Way

Below are links to five short devotional videos where Pastor Scott explains the benefits of reading Romans repeatedly, writing out Scripture, then listening to Bible teaching to prepare pastors for proclaiming God’s word.

The Benefit of Reading Romans Repeatedly

The Benefit of Reading Romans Repeatedly, Part 2

The Benefit of Copying Out Scripture Word for Word

The Benefit of Copying Out Scripture Word for Word, Part 2

Reading, Writing, Listening and Proclaiming God's Word